How you do anything is how you do everything
Winners never quit, quitters never win
Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care
Don't apologize for being awesome - celebrate your wins and share them with others
Decisions are attacks on energy - say yes or no and figure it out later - trust your gut and not the voice that comes 2 seconds later with all the reasons you can't/shouldn't/etc.
If you do what is easy, life will be difficult. If you do what is difficult, life will be easy
Four stages of learning - note where you are to avoid frustration. It's a natural progression - unconscious incompetence -> conscious incompetence -> conscious competence -> unconscious competence
What is this here to have me learn/grow/emerge out of me?
Aggressive inclusion - we've all been the one to be left out. Don't let it happen to anyone.
He who is most flexible wins - if you are not getting the desired result, it's on you, not others.
He who is most certain wins - confidence wins!
The words that follow I AM follow you. I am powerful vs. I am tired. It matters!
If you're not early, you're late
You are either getting results or making excuses. You can't have both
Insight Timer - Meditation App by Insight Network Inc.
KyleCease.com Absolutely Everything Pass - transformational comedian
Landmark Education - Redefine What’s Possible In your relationships, your work, your family, your communities, what matters most to you. The Landmark Forum transformed Corey's relationships, most profoundly his relationship with his father, who he had not talked to for 19 years!
M1 - Transform every aspect of your life via this Whole Life Millionaire program - Inspired Corey to embark on a new career, love himself fully, and surrounded him with the peer group to support, encourage, and challenge him to live an epic life!